2025 Paddlers Tournament

Complete the form at the bottom of the page to enter the 2025 Paddlers Tournament. When you are finished with this, please add the correct entry to your cart and check out.


You will not be entered until payment has been received. 

D.O.A ‘s 2025 Paddlers only Tournament
May 10th, 2025
Complete the form at the bottom of the page to enter the 2025 Paddlers Tournament. When you are finished with this, please add the correct entry to your cart and check out.
You will not be entered until payment has been received. 

Tournament overview

This tournament is open to Kayaks and SUPs only, paddle or pedal only.
 Open to the first 130 entrants received.
 Entry Fee (Due by 4/20/25), $100.00 per angler Children 12 & under $75.00
 This is a Photo, Catch and Release Tournament
 Categories will be Inshore Slam, Snook, Redfish, Sea Trout, Tarpon and a special "Maystery Fish" category.

Mandatory Captains meeting 
Friday May 9th 4:30 to 6:30 pm
At Tournament HQ
River Palm Cottages & Fish Camp
2325 NE Indian River Drive
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
 (772) 334-0401 phone
(Anyone who would like to reserve a cottage
Limited rooms are available and are first come first served)

Registration period is February 26, 2025, through April 20, 2025, or until all 130 spots are filled. 
Past events have fully booked well before the registration deadline. It is recommended that you register as soon as possible to insure your spot!!!. 
Participants must pre-register, and remit fees via D.O.A website: click on 2025 Paddlers Tournament. E-mail additional questions to events@doalures.com. Reminder Waivers and consent forms must be signed in person at the captains meeting to be considered an eligible participant. No exceptions!!! 
Participation & Eligibility
Entrants are deemed participants once the entry form, release form and entry fees are received. (You will sign the release form at the captains meeting) 
All entry forms and fees must be received by April 20, 2025. 
All Minors under 18 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian's signature to participate. 
Liability Waiver and parental consent forms must be completed in person at the Captains Meeting prior to the issuance of tackle kits and other tournament provisions. 
You will be considered an eligible participant once all forms and fees are confirmed as completed at the captains meeting.
Tournament Format
This is a Catch, Photo and Release only tournament
This will be a multi species, D.O.A. lures only, paddle, or pedal craft only.
Only one fish (longest) from each species will be scored and counted towards the tournament categories. 
Fish will be ranked by length in inches. 
Participants must be present at the Captains Meeting and "weigh in" to be eligible to win. 
Participants must record their catches in writing on the provided score card. 
Score cards are to be turned into the tournament director at weigh in for ranking. 
Once ranking is complete, the placing participants will submit photos/videos for catch confirmation. 
Tandems Kayaks
Anglers may share a vessel (tandem) so long as they are  both paid/registered participants in the tournament.                                                                            
Anglers who are sharing a vessel will be scored separately and may not share or combine catch. (THIS IS NOT A TEAM TOURNAMENT) 

Tournament Boundaries, and Times
All legally accessible inshore waters between Jupiter inlet (Northen shore of the inlet is the southernmost boundary of fishing grounds) and Sebastian inlet (southern shore of the inlet is the northernmost boundary fishing the Sabastian River falls in the fishable boundary.) 
Launching and loading must be from publicly accessible locations within the tournament boundaries. 
Start time will be determined at the captains meeting. 
tournament headquarters (River Palm Cottages) is designated as a legal launch site. 
Anglers are to check in at tournament headquarters (River Palm Cottages) no later than 2 PM. 
At launch take a single photo or video that includes your vessel, the measuring stick, and unique token.  
Late Check in will result in Disqualification. 
You must be onsite and in line to submit your score card/catch log at 2pm. no exceptions!!! 
Please consider time for parking and a possible short walk to the pavilion to insure you are not late!!! 
Tournament Categories
Inshore Slam......(Snook, Redfish, Spotted Sea Trout).  Ranked by combining total length in inches of the largest of each species. 
If a slam is not scored in the tournament, a combined length of two of the qualifying species will be scored for ranking in the Slam category. 
Prizes are awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ranked participants. 
Snook (all sub species qualify), Redfish and Sea Trout, each species will be awarded prizes for the longest total length 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. 
Ties will be decided by the angler that checks in first at weigh in. 
Tarpon, Participants may submit one photo/video of a "landed" tarpon. 
"Landed Tarpon" will be defined as a tarpon that must be dehooked manually by the Participant. 
We ask that the tarpon not be removed from the water if possible. Capture a photo/video that includes at least some of the vessel and either measuring stick or token visible in photo/video. 
All Tarpon caught and recorded as described above will receive a special prize pack. 
Special Mystery Fish (we don’t even know what it will be!) 
Photo/video and log all of your catches and at the weigh In, one of these species will be randomly drawn. The participant with the longest properly recorded catch of that species will win the "Mystery Fish" category. 
There is only one prize for the category. 
Tournament Photographs and Videos
We encourage participants to photograph and or video ALL fish caught during the tournament. 
Ideally, photos will show the D.O.A lure in the fish’s mouth.
By participating in the tournament, you give D.O.A. Lures the right to use any and all photo/video materials for its distribution, use, or publication, at D.O.A's sole discretion. 
Photos/videos of fish being entered for competition are required to show the fish on the provided measuring device with the nose on 0", mouth closed, tail not pinched and in a natural position so that length is readily visible on measuring stick. 
Photos/videos of fish being entered for competition must also show unique token somewhere in the frame of photo/video. 
The health and wellbeing of the released fish is paramount. Please have and utilize a plan to ensure a healthy release. 
General Information for Raffle and BBQ
Raffle items will set out as packages with collection jars in front of each package. 
Some packages may be multiple draw packages. Example: there are 4 sets of plier/knife combos so we will draw 4 winners’ tickets from the one collection jar for that prize. 
Participants and guests may purchase as many raffle tickets as they wish, then choose which package or packages they wish to try for by placing tickets in corresponding collection jar. 
You may distribute your tickets however you choose. 
Dinner Tickets.......If you are bringing guests to the weigh in, guest dinner tickets are available for $15.00 each and MUST BE PURCHASED AT REGISTRATION. There will be space on the entry form to choose additional dinner tickets. 
Tournament Prizes and Raffles Items
Prize packages and Raffle items are still being collected and will be announced before April 20th.


Additional Information

Each entrant will receive with their entry fee the D.O.A. Lures tournament tackle kit, custom DOA tournament Shirt, 1 raffle ticket, 1 BBQ / Drink ticket, official tournament measuring device and catch log.

We encourage entrants to invite guests to attend the weigh-in/award presentation and dinner. (additional meal tickets must be indicated and paid for during signup)

Additional raffle tickets will be sold at the event and will be open to anyone present.

If you have any further questions, please email us at events@doalures.com



This is a zero-profit tournament, 100% of entry fees and raffle ticket sales will be used for the tournament, any unused proceeds will be donated to Heroes on the Water (Treasure Coast Chapter) and Indian River Keepers.